Fluent NHibernate: One-To-Many Mapping
One of the most common NHibernate mapping used is one-to-many, which is slightly more complex than the straight up one-to-one. There are a few things to take note of when we deal with such mapping especially when using FluentNHibernate.
For this demo, I am going to use FluentNHibernate 1.4 and NHibernate 3.3, particulary the FluentNHibernate.Mapping.Classmap class
The database schema
We are going to use a simple blog database schema, with a Post and Category tale. In this exercise, a post can only have one category while a category can be applied to many post.
The diagram above is intentionally left incomplete without the datatype and other contraints so that we can focus on the relationship.
In order to represent such relationship in C# FluentNHibernate code, we first have to create the entities classes, Post and Category.
public class Post {
public virtual int Id { get; set; }
public virtual string Title { get; set; }
public virtual Category Category { get; set; } }
public class Category {
public virtual int Id { get; set; }
public virtual string Name { get; set; }
public virtual IList<Post> Post { get; set; } }
These are just plain old C# class with no relationship yet, that comes later. Even if you are not using Fluent or NHibernate you would still create such classes to store the data you fetch from the database. This entity classes are required no matter which ORM you use or even if you do not use one.
After that, we will create the mapping classes required by FluentNHibernate to represent the relationship in the database. There will be two mapping classes, one for earch entity class.
public class PostMap : ClassMap<Post> {
public PostMap() {
Id(x => x.Id); //#1
Map(x => x.Title) //#2
References(x => x.Category) //#3
ClassMap is the basic foundation of all your FluentNHiberate mapping and you will derive from this to map anything.
Rule 1: ClassMap it in the Contructor
As you can see from the PostMap class above, all the mappings must be in the Contrsuctor. The mapping says:
- Table Post Primary key, also known as Id, is mapped to the Id method.
- Method Ttitle maximum length is 5000 and it cannot be null. Since the method returns a String, it will be automatically mapped to a nvarchar column
- Method Category is a Foreign Key reference tht is mapped to a column named Category. From Post table point of view, it is a one-to-one mapping to Category
Next we will take a look at the CategoryMap
public class CategoryMap : ClassMap<Category>
public CategoryMap()
Id(x => x.Id); //#1
Map(x => x.Name) //#2
HasMany(x => x.Post) //#3
The #1 and #2 have been explained earlier whereas #3 shows table Category has a Post method. The Inverse method dictates that the relationship must be traced from the other side which is the Post table. The Cascade.All dictates cascade on delete/update, which means leave no orphan. The KeyColumn is just telling FluentNHibernate to look at that column in Post table when tracing the relationship from inverse.
Rule 2: Inverse at the Many side of the relationship.
Do not inverse both side unless you know what you are doing. Refer to this excellent exlain for more detail.
Finally with the entity class and mapping completed, we can start working with ISessionFactory to configure the databse. I will cover that in another post.
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